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- Edit Menu Help
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- Commands or Menu Items on the Edit Menu manipulate Cells and Ranges
- of the Worksheet including naming of Ranges and changing Range Names.
- Many of the Menu Items save to the Clipboard in order to move
- information onto another part of the Worksheet or to a different
- Worksheet.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cut
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- Removes data, formulas, and their format from a location on the
- Worksheet and saves the information to the Clipboard.
- Cut can also be executed by: Right Amiga Key with X
- F2 Function Key
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copy
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Saves data, formulas, and their format from the Worksheet to the
- Clipboard and leaves the current location unchanged.
- Copy can also be executed by: Right Amiga Key with C
- F3 Function Key
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- Ext.Copy
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- Saves a selected range of cells to the System Clipboard
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- Paste
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- This is used to paste the contents of the Clipboard to a new
- location on the Worksheet. The same Clipboard contents can be
- repeatedly pasted multiple times.
- Paste can also be executed by: Right Amiga Key with P
- F4 Function Key
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- Ext.Paste
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- Pastes data from the System Clipboard at the site of the Active Cell.
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- Paste Data
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- Paste data works like Paste except that it transfers only the data
- portion of the source Range and not its format. If the source
- Range contains a formula, the value of the formula will be paseted at
- the destination, but the formula will not. You can use this to include
- the result of a sum as data in another Range.
- Paste Data can also be executed by: F4 with the Shift Key
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Clear
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- Removes data, formulas, and their format but does not save them to
- the Clipboard. When this is activated, you will be provided with
- a Requester asking "Are you sure?". This will give you an opportunity
- to change your mind before erasing the Cell Contents.
- Clear can also be executed by: Right Amiga Key with B
- F5 Function Key
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Clear Data
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Works the same as Clear except that it doesn't remove the format
- from the selected Range. You will be provided with a Requester
- asking "Are you sure?". This will give you an opportunity to change
- your mind before erasing the Cell Contents.
- Clear Data can also be executed by: F5 with the Shift Key
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Define Name
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- Used to name a selected Range of Cells. The Name Selector will be
- displayed. In the Name display and type in a Range Name up to 16
- characters. Range Names with leading spaces will not be accepted.
- Embedded blanks in Range Names will be "squeezed out". If you have
- need to see the list of currently used names, select the Paste Name
- Menu Item.
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- Modify Name
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- Used to change the Range 0f a Named Range of Cells.
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- Delete Name
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- Used to remove a Named Range from the Name Selector Requester window.
- A Requester will be displayed to confirm the deletion.
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- Paste Function
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- Displays Function Selector Requester to select a Built-in function
- for insertion into a Formula. This can also be exercised via a
- Formula Button.
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- Paste Name
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- Displays Name Selector Requester to select a Named Range in a
- Formula. This can also be exercised via a Formula Button.